"...because thou hast not murmured...I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them...and it came to pass that when my father heard these words he was exceedingly glad..."
I Nephi 3:6-8

2 months to go!

2 months to go!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Up then Down then Up Again

The last few days have convinced me that missionary work is an up and down situation.  One day you are in the clouds and the next you find yourself being smacked soundly on the ground.  We are working with some families that have proven that to be so.  Add that to the fact that I am suffering a fairly large dose of homesickness and it is a really large roller coaster ride.

There are times I can do nothing but shake my head and times that I am soaring.  This is a beautiful place with lots of gorgeous scenery but it would be a very difficult place to raise a family if you were not firmly rooted in the gospel and many here are not.  The country promotes and condones many lifestyles that are not in keeping with LDS values and it makes it very hard for people who are not strong.

It is amazing to me how tough some of these little families in our branch are in spite of having a lot of odds against them.  It is also amazing to me how little we appreciate what we have when living in Utah in the heart of "mormondom" surrounded by strength in numbers and belief.  It is so easy there and some of us make it so hard.  I guess it is like Ken always says, "The biggest battle you ever fight is the one that is between your ears."  We have everything going for us yet we still continue to fight it.

I got a beautiful e-mail of encouragement from my daughter today and another from my son.  I checked my facebook and my 13 year old grandson, Chandler, had posted a little reprimand for us all which I reposted.  Why is it soooo  hard for us to do the right things especially when surrounded by all the right things?  Why do we care more about what everyone else thinks than we care about what the Lord thinks.

We are working with an amazing Maori girl right now who is literally taking on the change of her whole lifestyle.  She is upbeat and happy.  She is enthusiastic and teachable.  She is excited about a new life coming her way in spite of the fact that she has had to change so much.  Right now she is on her 5th day of not smoking and she is excited about the possibility of a new way of living free from that habit.  Why?  For her beautiful little family for whom she wants a better life. 

Chandler, I reposted that post because I do believe.  I want to be a better person and I want that better part for my family as well.  Thanks for making me want to be better.

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